- Uzbekistan
- Tajikstan
- Afghanistan
- Turkmenistan
- Kazakhstan
- Azerbaijan
- Armenia
- Georgia
- Ukraine
- Moldova
- Romania
- Bulgaria
- Turkey
- Macedonia
- Kosovo
- Albania
- Greece
- Montenegro
- Bosnia & Herzegovina
- Croatia
- Slovenia
- Hungary
- Slovenia
- Czech Republic
- Poland
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Estonia
- Norway
- Switzerland
- Kyrgyzstan
- Serbia

Swissvert is your business partner in the auto parts industry for the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. We represent your company in its chosen markets and we help you to be successful, thanks to our profound and varied knowledge of this field.
As a partner of Swissvert, you will have at your disposal our experience matured in this field for over 30 years. We will support you thanks to our knowledge of the dynamics on the local market, achieved through our relationship of trust, unchanged over the time, with distributors and local customers. Our distribution network, widespread and efficient, will lead your company in every corner of Central and Eastern Europe.